First of all, your current score isn't going anywhere. Can you imagine the nerdy uprising that would ensue if Microsoft were to essentially erase everyone's gamerscore? Seattle would be burned to the ground in minutes! Now exactly how your score "isn't going anywhere" could be another matter altogether, but Microsoft isn't really one to rock the boat once they hit on something big, so chances are you'll simply see your score carried right on over to the newest console/system (everything except Bejeweled, of course, because lets face it: it needs to be erased from history at some point). Still, starting from scratch has a certain appeal.
I've heard more than a few gamers express indifference over "hunting" achievements because they're already tens of thousands of points behind "everybody else" out there, and while the competitive aspect of achievements has been thoroughly overplayed, that doesn't mean that evening the playing field wouldn't indeed draw in some new customers, and possibly revitalize some of us war-weary vets out here. So maybe gamerscore ends up being generation specific - one for the 360, and one for the next gen, both ongoing - but that still seems like the least likely scenario.
Regardless of their form from generation to generation, achievements aren't going anywhere, so what are some future features we might finally find?
First of all: completions. Knowingly or not, whoever decided achievements would be permanent effectively fathered a whole mess of OCD children that day, and these completionist kids would love to see the dashboard take care of some of the nerd-work for them. Completion percentage for gamerscore, games, and/or total achievements unlocked would be a nice addition to the simple stat-shot screen I'm going to suggest in the next sentence. Also, we'd need a simple stat-shot screen.
While we're on the subject of stats, let's dream big: progress tracking. Valve, Harmonix, and Epic all built beautiful examples of this into their latest games, so why not institute a standard across all Xbox titles that results in a more informative dashboard, i.e. achievements that show just how close/far I am from unlocking them? Because some developers wouldn't want the required work - that's why not. But hey, a girl can dream.
And dream people have. The question isn't new, so there are plenty of ideas floating around the net:
- A separate score for multiplayer achievements
- "Dashboard" achievements for attaining certain milestones
- Enable achievement icons for use as gamerpics
- Dynamic achievements that change based on how you play
- Giant solid gold break dancing robots